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Spring Festival 2007 Gala: Preparations 
Dear GWers:(
Chinese New Year is coming fast. As planned, we "GWers" in the USA are going to have a Chinese New Year Party on New Year's Day. This will be an exciting event for all of us. Imagine that we can all HEAR each other and SEE each other on the Internet. Remember in the old days when we were in China, we had to ride a bicycle in the city to get to friends' houses to convey the New Year greetings. Now, we are doing it by high tech. Instead of a bicycle, we are riding on a "Surfing Board" on the net.

To do it, it is very simple. If you just want to HEAR and TALK to everybody, all you need is a phone. You just call 1-641-297-5400 and then use an access code "07888" to get in. Once you get in, you can hear everybody talking (like entering a Chinese Restaurant) and you can then talk loud to announce your name. It is totally fun. Guaranteed. Your cost? Just the long distance phone call. Many of us have free-minutes for our cell phone on the weekend. Then it is totally free.

If you want to go one step further, to actually SEE your GW friends on the Internet (to see if the boys have gone older and fatter, or if the girls are still well kept), you just turn on your computer and check on the web sites in different party locations. For instance, you can just type in http://gwaausla. ww.com. You will then see the GW friends partying like crazy in Los Angeles. Other locations in New York, Houston, Washington, DC and San Francisco will have their camera address ready later (in a similar way as above). Again, it is Fun and free. All this is just a click away from the computer on the Internet. 

That was how you can see others. How about that you let others see you? That will be also easy (Imaging you can show your GW friends that you are still 20 something). All you need to have is a webcam, which cost around $30, if not cheaper. With the webcam, you set it up in your computer, and then type in http://ww.com/ . You will then be able to set up your own camera address in the Internet, for stance, you may call it http://Zhangsan. ww.com or http://Lisi. ww.com . Then other GWers from all over the world will be able to see you by typing in http://Zhangsan. ww.com in their computer.
Well, if you need assistance, Harry Feng, a GWer, (harryyf@hotmail. com or 310-920-9288) will be all yours. 
Also, check updated info about the event on www.gwaaus.org
Hope to hear you and see you on the Chinese New Year. February 18th, 2007. Time: 2:00 PM in New York (1:00PM in Houston, or 11:00 am in Los Angeles)

GW Alumni Association US
Qiao Xin & Zhou Xiao Ping.
The following is the Chinese version for the messege. In case you can not read it because of the font, you can open the attachment file to read the Chinese.

转眼间春节又到了. 我们广外大在美国的校友将在大年初一那天举行一次史无前例的网上春节大联欢. 不用坐飞机, 不用做火车, 只要您打一个电话, 您可听到许多你多年好友的声音, 及和他们交谈. 如果您有一个电脑, 您还可以看到他们的脸孔. 要是您再加一个WEB CAM, 您还可以让别人看到您的自己的模样, 您的笑容, 您的青春常在. 真可谓"远在天边, 近在咫尺".

如果您有兴趣, 请参加我们的网上春节大联欢. 具体做法请按以下英文介绍的 


1. 打电话 拨1-641-297-5400, 输入密码 "07888", 您即可进入会场。(周末用手机打,将可省下长途费)

2. 只要您能上网, 您就可以观看各地联欢会会场. 例如, 您打入" http://gwaausla.ww.com", 您就可以看到 洛杉矶 的会场实况. 其他会场的网址将会全部公开. 到时候从纽约到三藩市, 从华盛顿到休士顿等各个会场实况, 您都可看到.

3. 假若您有WEB CAM, 您还可以让别人看到您. 您只须上网打入"http://ww.com" , 您就可以设立您自己的WEB CAB的网址, 如上例, 您可设立"http:/张三李四ww.com,其他校友就可看到您的会场实况.

如果您有任何疑问, 请咨询 冯永良校友.((harryyf@hotmail.com or 310-920-9288).

February 18th, Sunday 
2:00 PM New York time
1:00 PM Houston Time
11:00 AM Los Angeles Time

期待在大年初一听到您的声音, 看到您的笑容.

乔欣   周小平

Dear All GWers,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hope 2006 has been a very good year for all of you and hope 2007 will be even better.A year ago, GWAAUS was founded with much help and enthusiasm from everyone, from Boston to Huston, from New York to Los Angeles, from Chicago to San Francisco. We did it by using conference calls. 

This year, we are planning for a GWAAUS 2007 Chinese New Year Celebration Gala (
美国广外大校友会2007年网络春节联欢会), by using high-tech features of web cam and conference call, with audio and video. Each location will be able to see the other locations. The setup is very easy. The technical aspect has been successfully tested, by Feng Yong Liang (冯永良) and Zhou Xiong Yao (周雄耀). Details for setup will be provided to a tech-guy in each location. In fact, it is so easy, all you need is a web cam (about $30) and a computer with Internet connection.

The date and time will be:
February 18, 2007, Sunday (2/18/2007) 
Eastern time: 2:00PM
Central time: 1:00PM
Pacific time: 11:00AM

It will be just a casual gathering. Chatting, jokes, performances are all welcome. It will be a good chance for us to get to know different people from different classes and to put faces to the names.

We hope everybody will participate in this event as much as possible. And bring alumni you know to this event if you can.

Best wishes.

President Qiao Xin
First Vice President Zhou Xiao Ping
Dear All, 
Happy Thanksgiving. How time flies! It did not seem very long ago when we celebrated the founding of our GWAAUS last year. I hope it has been a very good year for everybody. I guess we all have been so busy that we did not have the time to attend to more GWAAUS activities as we should have. Well, this might be just an indication that we are still very relevant to society and we are still very involved in whatever we are doing. We are still young! And we refuse to retire from this ever exciting world, yet.

Well, Lily said that is just my excuse for not having done much as the leader. For that, I willingly accept the full responsibility. And I hope everybody will accept my apology.

Lately, I have talked to Zhou Xiao Ping and a few other people regarding how to get back to some GWAAUS during the holiday seasons. One idea came up: Using the new Internet technology, we can hold a cross-America "GWAAUS Chinese New Year Celebration Gala", around February, 2007, in which we can see performance of any kind, by each region, on the computer/TV screen with sound and visual image. Last year, as you may remember, the LA region meeting site was live on Internet. People in the DC region were able to see it. This time, we suggest other regions use the same or better equipment so we can all share it, meaning we can see the performance from all regions. We thought this would be interesting, and we can make it an interesting event or a selling point to draw more new alumni to join GWAAUS. We still have at least 2 month time to prepare for it.

Or anybody has other ideas, please share it with all of us. Just any idea.

You can call my cell phone at (562) 405-1780 or home phone (562) 802-3507 

Qiao Xin

Email Us: admin@gwaaus.org