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第一届校友理事会(2006-2007)   第二届校友理事会(2008-2009)
Board Member Self-Introduction

乔欣 Qiao Xin, a.k.a James Chiao

Old History: Grade 77, English Dept., Vice President of GW77 Student Union. Prior to GW, working as an ‘Educated Youth’ in a small fishing village in Guangdong, then as a factory worker, and as a school teacher. 
Origin: Guangzhou 
Road to US: Came to the States in 1980 as one of the first batch of foreign students. Worked hard to pay the way through college and graduated with honors in 1984, with a BS in Business Information Systems. Have been living in Los Angeles for a quarter of a century -- a true ‘Old Overseas Chinese’. Married to Li Lee, a GW77 schoolmate. Have two teenage children. 
Current Occupation: President of CNL, a manufacturing and import/export company 
Hobby: Italian Opera singing, playing revolutionary songs on the piano and the accordion. 
Life’s lesson: It’s never too late to start your passion. 
Service to Offer: Free consultation on how to start your own business. 
Help Wanted: CNL is hiring Sales personnel and Factory manager. 

周小平Zhou Xiaoping(Nick)

籍贯:广东汕头工作单位:Logistics Department of Baker Petrolite, a Baker Hughes company(一跨国石油服务公司) 
业余爱好:喜欢看姚明打球,即使有时闹得心里不舒服; 中意遨游因特网; 股市拼搏十年如一日。 
本人愿意在本年度(2005年)为需要协助报税的广外美国校友会会员们提供服务,含个人所得税及公司所得税。保密可靠,交件及时,不计报酬,但希望纳税人能为广外美国校友会活动基金奉献30-50美元。请电:281-275-7286 (Day) or 281-495-3045 (Night)

赵幼华 Zhao Youhua, a.k.a Howard Zhao

Old History: Grade 77, English Dept. While at GW, served as the monitor of Class 4 and captain of the school’s soccer team. Was a PE teacher in Beijing Foreign Languages School prior to being enrolled by GW in late 1977, one of the fortunate ones to get on the bandwagon for higher education.Origin: Beijing 
Road to US: Came to the States in 1987 as an international student for graduate studies of Political Science at University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. Later on moved to Los Angeles, California in search of a better life and job opportunities. 
Current Occupation: Sales and franchise distribution management in a semiconductor manufacturing company in Camarillo, California. Married to He Ping, also GW77 alumni and own classmate. Have two daughters. 
Hobby: Due to various sports injuries in the past, the only sport that I can take on is golf, and handicap is 20. 
Life’s lesson: Be truthful to yourself and friends and relationship will last.
周雄耀 Zhou Xiongyao (Benjamin)

简历:广外英语77级八班,没当过什么官(忘不了)。入学前, 在工厂打杂,学了一些手艺,现时倒挺有用,毋需事事花钱请HANDYMAN。高考信心十足,要做中国未来的牛顿。 怀疑是考官改错试卷 ,遂归广外。 等到今天,苹果还没砸到头上,认命了。 
82年毕业分配到中山大学。 一年后来美,重入校门,全工全读三年,捞了个学位,到加州大学工作,一混就是十多年。看到人家的奖金,真有点后悔当年不到华尔街碰碰运气。 
现定居离三烦市二十来英里外小镇。籍贯:广东广州工作单位:University of California家庭情况:一女一子,ABCs, College Students, 目无尊长。不时把太座气得屁颠屁颠的。 

竺红明 Zhu Hongming(Jesse)

Old History: Grade 87, English Dept. After graduating from GW, taught English at Petroleum University(Guangzhou) for 6 years before going abroad. 
Origin: Ganzhou, JiangxiRoad to US: Went to Australia in 1997. Graduated from Macquarie University, Sydney with a MA in International Communication in 1999. Came to USA to work right after I graduated. 
Current Occupation: Work in the Student Accounts Office at Westmont College in Santa Barbara California. 
Hobby: Singing, dancing and Toastmasters (An international public speaking club) 
Life’s lesson: Just do it!
麦志东 Mike Mak

广外 英语系七九级 
现任职: 美国加州执业律师 麦志东律师事务所 (Law Offices of Mike Mak) 
简历: 考上广外前曾在红色 娘子军的家乡海南岛当知青-------在森林里当伐木工. 被森林里的野火烧过, 也被毒蛇咬过, 但却自认是毛泽东时代的幸运子. 
广外期间担任过学生会宣传部长, 在黑板报前度过了很多午睡的时间. 也是学院的体操队员,但当年能轻而易举的 空翻跟斗, 今天已无法重复.. 广外毕业后在南海石油工作. 
1985 年来美留学, 获工商管理硕士( MBA) 和法学博士学位 (J.D.). 目前从事的律师业务主要是 房地产, 建筑和商业诉讼. 

姓名:冯波 (英文名Bo – 只不过是汉语拼音而已)
简历:广外英语77级—班。入学前, 在广阔天地插队。要不是开卷考试,估计高考不会通过。听说那次广外先挑考生, 去不了头两三个志愿的学校, 遂归广外。 不然而今在美国也不至于一无所长, 在自己”专业”上输与大众。 
82年毕业分配到广州国旅, 后转到在南海石油服务总公司, 并有幸与Nick一道在菲利普斯石油公司做事。88年自费赴美留学,辗转数州,获MFA学位。现在麻西(麻州西部)乡下小镇定居。 
工作单位:Tortus Technologies 
家庭情况:妻罗丽萍, 广外77级日语系同学。一女。 

冯永良 Feng Yongliang(Harry)



李莉 Li Lee, a.k.a LiLee Chiao

Old History: Grade 77, English Dept., known as the ‘Recital Queen’ at the time. After the undergraduate program, continued on to study Linguistics in GW and got an MA. Became an English teacher in GW after graduation. Prior to GW, was a high school student in Guangzhou. Although I did not learn much else during the 10 years of Cultural Revolution, I did listen to the only English Lessons available on the Radio and learned my English that way. Sure enough, that little bit of English gave me the edge to get into college at age 16. 
Origin: Born in Zhejiang and grew up in Guangdong. 
Road to US: Came to the States in 1986 as a foreign student. Earned an M.S. in Software Development Psychology. Married to James Chiao with two teenage kids. 
Current Occupation: Project Manager in an insurance company. 
Hobby: Yoga, also likes to travel, enjoys reading, movies and cooking. Life’s lesson: Don’t try to be a perfectionist. 
Service to Offer: Free consultation for house remodeling projects; free advice for a long-lasting marriage 
Help Wanted: Looking for an honest cleaning lady for my house. 

Email Us: admin@gwaaus.org